Mauritius to improve water safety with new wastewater project

Around the world, intense water shortages in major cities have thrust the concerns regarding water conservation and water safety into the spotlight. How water is used, saved, and treated is a growing issue worldwide leading to a need for increased water savings and more efficient water usage. This is even more prevalent in a water locked country such as Mauritius. The Mauritian tourism industry is driven by the pristine oceans surrounding the island and the luxury accommodation across the island which attracts tourists from all over the world. As a result, it is essential to protect and conserve the bodies of water in the country as well as the ocean surrounding it.

Over the last decade the growth and development of the Mauritian economy has outstripped the development of certain infrastructure, including wastewater treatment. The Government of Mauritius (GOM) is taking steps to improve and manage water usage, wastewater, and water treatment in the country, as well as protect the ocean waters that their tourism relies on by investigating the feasibility of a Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Project that is focused on improving wastewater treatment capabilities in the country.  

A professional resource was required to assist in the BOT project in establishing a socially inclusive, green, circular economy, of which Helgaard Muller from Cresco is leading the team acting as the Financial Transaction Advisor and Financial Modelling Specialist for the project and is currently part of the consortium conducting a comprehensive feasibility study for the project.

Improving wastewater infrastructure

The GOM and the Wastewater Management Authority (WMA) of Mauritius have identified the need to improve the infrastructure and construct a new wastewater treatment plant at the existing Baie du Tombeau wastewater treatment plant, as well as upgrade and install new equipment at the wastewater pump station at Roche Bois. The need for the wastewater plant project and a new pump station is based on the following:

  • The catchment area is only partially serviced by a sewage network.
  • On-site wastewater disposal systems are affected by surface run-off due to geological and topographical characteristics of the area.
  • To address potential surface and ground water pollution due to geological and topographical characteristics of the area.
  • Increased pressure on the existing system due to residential and industrial developments.
  • To prevent any negative environmental impact by assuring international standard acceptable effluent discharge.
  • To address any infiltration of landfill leachate into the system.
  • The existing Roche Bois Pumping Station is in need of an upgrade due to ageing infrastructure.

The new wastewater treatment plant will be designed to treat wastewater of both domestic and industrial nature up to tertiary level, and to meet the irrigation norms as prescribed under the Environment Protection Act and its regulations as amended. Cresco Director Helgaard Muller  explains: “As water becomes more of a contentious issue globally, there is a dire need to ensure we are using our water resources correctly and efficiently. Wastewater treatment means water can be reused for sanitation and farming, reducing the amount of fresh water consumed by the population, and protecting available water sources.”

Currently, the GOM and the WMA are investigating the feasibility of implementing the project as a BOT project. The project aims to equip Mauritius with a new state-of-the-art sewerage system in the north-western region of the country that will ensure a sustainable, clean environment, and protect bodies of water in the country for future generations that will result in enhanced social and environmental justice.

The study is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2022, with the COVID-19 pandemic and associated travel restrictions impacting projects timelines. The Transaction Advisory team together with the WMA are currently working on innovative ways to overcome this obstacle through appropriate technology applications and engaging in-country specialist support.

At Cresco we are equipped to deliver feasibility studies no matter the project or the industry thanks to our experience in a wide range of projects across Sub-Saharan Africa. Get in touch and let us help you get your project off the ground with time-tested advisory services you can trust: